Upcoming Auctions

This is a great opportunity to purchase a highly productive Shelby County farm. Fall application of 170 lbs./acre of Nitrogen and dry fertilizer (12-40-60-10) dual placement was applied after harvest this past fall. New owner(s) will have full farming rights for 2025.

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This auction will start at 11:00 a.m. sharp with non-catalogued items and this part will strictly be a LIVE AUCTION. We will start on the catalogued GUNS at 1:30 p.m. with live and online bidding followed by CATALOGUED COINS. Items that have an asterisk * will also be offered online.

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We are very excited to have the opportunity to auction the real estate for Tom Nelsen. We will also be selling a fine line of furniture, appliances and lawn equipment. Highlighting the auction will be the JD X370 riding lawn mower with only 38 hours.

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Osborn Auction, LLC
Walnut, Iowa
712-579-4824 nosborn@harlannet.com